Benefits of having Terrariums

Most of us in Singapore are living in HDB flats and space constraint is the main issue faced, adding to that, the sizes of the new flats are getting smaller. This greatly affects many, especially those who shifted from the older flat type to the newer one. There isn’t enough space to accommodate all the items from the previous house hence it resulting in most of us either resizing the necessary items e.g. furniture or giving up hobbies e.g. doing away with fish tanks or plants. While many still choose to keep their hobbies, they find themselves needing to downsize (from a 4ft tank to 3ft or 2ft, from having a bigger corridor space for 10 or more pots of plants to only 4 or 5 pots which some will keep plants don’t take up too much pot space). Imagine the loss of home owners who shifted from a landed property where they have a big garden to a house with no garden. Not only that they’ve lost their long-term effort and hobby but it greatly affects them psychologically as most of these folks rely greatly on their garden ambience to give them the peaceful and relaxed feel.

This project mimic a simple pathway in random terrain, some imagine it to be a river flowing from  a noor
Scenic landscape can always be brought back home

The introduction of Terrariums way back as early as 1829 by Dr. Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward has given many people especially those in the Urban setup the luxury and blessing of being able to keep a garden without needing to worry about the space. These mini gardens can be adjusted to fit into wherever we are, we can have gardens of different themes consisting of different plants, and we can even bring our garden along to wherever we go or shifted to. Last but not least, it takes minimal or even almost no effort in maintaining these gardens. These benefits older folks tangibly as they might not be able to upkeep a normal garden as they aged.

Health Benefits of Terrariums

  1. Stress Relief: You can get relaxed and let all of your concerns go thanks to the small gardens. Additionally, those of us with desk jobs and a sedentary lifestyle frequently have to stare at computer screens for a prolonged period of time. Your business and house can benefit from having green plants or, for example, terrariums to assist reduce stress.
  2. Natural Air Purifier: Due to photosynthesis, succulents in terrariums not only emit oxygen during the day like all other plants do, but they also do so at night. This kind of plant includes trifasciata, aloe vera, and orchids, for instance. Tillandsia, commonly referred to as air plants, are simple to grow and can greatly raise the indoor humidity level. In the long run, this is good for your skin and hair.
  3. Positive Energy: Cacti are attractive to look at, and their colour scheme is supposed to be photo-therapeutic and promote happiness and positive energy. Glass terrarium planters are perfect for your office. It may be challenging to demonstrate that it increases productivity, but it certainly gives the space a more cosy, comfortable sense. Stress is lessened as a result. This in turn fosters a welcoming environment in your home.
  4. Beneficial for Our Health, Mentally and Physically: A terrarium is like a self-sustaining ecosystem, that creates clean, breathable air that is very good for people, especially those who live in busy, urban areas. We tend to be more productive and able to think more clearly when we are outside breathing fresh air as it helps calms our brains. Studies have also demonstrated that they can lower heart rates, as well as tension and anxiety.

The list of benefits of having Terrariums goes on and no matter what age you are, receiving a Terrarium as a gift will definitely brighten your day.

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